Here is CLPA’s weekly list of upcoming meetings.
The DC Council is back in full swing this week. There will be a legislative meeting this Tuesday that will see the final reading on a number of important bills touch on topics such as paid leave and Strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP) laws. There will be a Legislative Media Briefing on some of the bills to be heard in Tuesday's legislative meeting today at 10:30 am.
In Maryland, there will be considerable activity in Prince George's County, where the County Council will discuss CB-092-2022, which we analyzed in a post last week. This bill would revise the application review procedures for zoning applications decided by the District Council. It will effectively eliminate all District Council elections to review development review cases under the Zoning Ordinance. It should be noted that CB-091-2022, which would have required the District Council to have a supermajority vote (2/3rd of the Council Members present) to adopt text amendments to local zoning laws and could have made passing zoning laws in the County more difficult, was tabled indefinitely.
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors in Virginia, through its Legislative Committee, is starting to discuss policy for the upcoming session of the Virginia General Assembly. They will review their Preliminary Draft Fairfax County Legislative Program for 2023. This will be the first of six meetings the Committee will host to develop County policy to present to the State. The sixth meeting on December 13th will include members of the Fairfax County Delegation.
Click on the blue hyperlinks below for more information about each meeting.
District of Columbia
DC Council
Committee of the Whole Meeting-Tuesday, September 20 at 12:00 pm
Legislation/policy of interest to be discussed:
Bill 24-673-“Safer Streets Amendment Act of 2022"
Bill 24-615, “District Government Paid Leave Enhancement Amendment Act of 2022”
Bill 24-352, “Players’ Lounge Tax Exemption Act of 2022”
Legislative Meeting-Tuesday, September 20 at 1:00 pm
Legislation/policy of interest to be discussed:
Bill 24-104-Omnibus Barry Farm Redevelopment Act of 2022
B24-0673-Safer Streets Amendment Act of 2022
B24-0615-District Government Paid Leave Enhancement Amendment Act of 2022
B24-0916-Short-Term Disability Insurance Benefit Protection Clarification Temporary Amendment Act of 2022
B24-0907-Local Rent Supplement Program Eligibility Temporary Amendment Act of 2022
B24-0919-Notice Requirements for Evictions for Nonpayment of Rent Clarification Temporary Amendment Act of 2022
B24-0896-Anti-SLAPP Temporary Amendment Act of 2022
Bill 24-900-Children’s National Research and Innovation Campus Equitable Tax Relief Temporary Amendment Act of 2022
B24-0921-Back-to-School Safely Temporary Act of 2022
B24-0077-District of Columbia Public Schools Technology Equity Act of 2022 (now known as “DCPS Digital Equity Act of 2022”)
Human Services Public Hearing-Thursday, September 22, 2022
DC State Board of Education
Public Meeting-Wednesday, September 21 at 5:30pm
Charles County
Board of Charles County Commissioners
Charles County Board of Education
Montgomery County
Montgomery County Council
Council Meeting-Tuesday, September 21 at 9:00 am
Legislation/policy of interest to be discussed:
Bill 26-22, Landlord-Tenant Relations - Radon Testing and Mitigation - Required
Public Hearing: Bill 23-22-Personnel and Human Resources – Pension Amount – Group G
Montgomery County Board of Education
Business Meeting-Wednesday, September 22 at 3:30 pm
Policy of interest to be discussed:
Prince George’s County
Prince George’s County Council
Council Meeting-Tuesday, September 20 at 10:00 am
Legislation/policy of interest to be discussed:
CB-092-2022-Zoning—Administration—Decision-Making Bodies—District Council—Application-Specific Review Procedures and Standards
CB-080-2022-Zoning—Interpretations and Definitions—Use Regulations—Convenience Stores
Transportation, Infrastructure, Energy and Environment Committee-Thursday, September 22 at 10:00 am
Legislation/policy of interest to be discussed:
CB-094-2022-Parking Fines and Penalties
Board of Education
Board Meeting-Thursday, September 22 at 7:00 pm
Key Issues to be discussed:
Prince George's County Public Schools 2022-2023 School Year - Virtual Day Instruction Plan
Vaping Litigation
Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2024-2029
Alexandria City
Alexandria City Council
Board of Education
Arlington County
Arlington County Board
County Board Recessed Meeting-Tuesday, September 20 at 3:00 pm
Arlington County School Board
School Board Meeting-Thursday, September 22 at 7:00 pm
Key Issues to be discussed:
School Board Budget Direction
Fairfax County
Fairfax County Board of Supervisors
Board of Supervisors Legislative Committee Meeting-Tuesday, September 13 at 9:30 am
Legislation/policy of interest to be discussed:
Fairfax County School Board
School Board Retreat-Tuesday, September 20 at 9:30 am