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  • Writer's pictureCenter for Local Policy Analysis (CLPA)

Institution Spotlight: Prince George's County House Delegation

Recently, CLPA spotlighted the Montgomery County Delegation, so it seemed appropriate to highlight the work of their neighbors to the south, the Prince George's County House Delegation. The Delegation is comprised of 23 elected delegates from Prince George's County, and the delegates meet throughout the year to discuss both events and local legislation affecting the county.

Like the Montgomery County delegation, the Prince George's County Delegation has a committee structure. Any legislation Prince George's County and bi-county bills are assigned to a committee for discussion, and they voted on in the full House Delegation. The local committee then votes to make a recommendation to the full Prince George's County delegation, which would include the county's State Senators.

The Committee includes:

  1. County Affairs Committee, which covers issues related to county government, economic development, elections, environment, ethics/elected officials, housing, municipalities, real property, and taxes.

  2. Education Committee, which works issues related to education in the county

  3. Law Enforcement Committee addresses issues related to alcoholic beverages, police, courts, gaming, criminal procedure, and public safety.

  4. Bi-County Committee works on policies concerning the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA, better known as the Metro), Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC), and Zoning.

The Delegation's website has several valuable resources for the public to utilize. One such resource is the legislation tracker, which highlights proposed bills related to Prince Geroge's County and their status in the legislative process. They have also posted valuable resources on the site to track a bill and find who represents you in the General Assembly. You want to be placed on the Delegation's listserv for updates you can do so on their website.



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