The Prince George’s County Commission on Fathers, Men, and Boys was authorized in 2017 through CB-009-2017 and officially established in 2019. The purpose of the thirteen-member Commission is to address the needs of fathers, men, and boys in the County.
The legislation authorizing the Commission states that it needs to reflect the demographics of Prince George’s County, including ethnic, geographic, and linguistic diversity. As for the professional background of Commissioners, prominent business and community leaders, and individuals certified in fatherhood training or have documented experience working directly with issues of particular interest and concern to fathers, men, and boys are to be included.
The duties of a Commissioner are relatively broad. Not only are they to serve as advocates for fathers, men, and boys in the county, but they have several other responsibilities. There is a policy-making component to the Commission as they research, review, maintain, and disseminate empirical data, statistics, and facts concerning or attributable to fatherhood and family social-economic issues. They also prepare and recommend to both the County Executive and County Council an annual plan of programs and services focused on issues directly related to fathers, men, and boys. CB-009-2017 also tasks the Commission with recommending and implementing policies, programs, and procedures that will effectively address the social-economic concerns of fathers, men, and boys, including fatherlessness and responsible fatherhood; employment and economic opportunities; family law and domestic violence; hunger, poverty, and homelessness; health and well-being; and rehabilitation and reintegration.
There is an outreach component as well. The Commission, through their work, is to both stimulate and encourage community dialogue around responsible fatherhood and spur community initiatives to combat fatherlessness. This is done through events happening throughout the year while partnering with County agencies, private businesses, and local communities. Work at times is done in collaboration with the Commission for Women on issues and programs for strengthening the quality of life for women, men, and children in Prince George’s County.
The current Commission on Fathers, Men, and Boys consist of:
Commissioner Dr. Joseph E. Jones Sr (Chair)
Commissioner Robert L. Johnson (Vice-Chair)
Commissioner Michael O. Williams (Secretary)
Commissioner Christopher A. Kelly (Historian/Communications)
Commissioner Bruce D. Edwards (Treasurer)
Commissioner Allan G. Herring
Commissioner Arthur L. Cutler, II
Commissioner James C. Ballentine
Commissioner James M. Alsobrooks
Commissioner Chike U. Aguh
Commissioner Anthony J. McAllister
Commissioner David B. Owens
If you want more information about the Commission, you can contact them via email at You can also contact the Commission's Commission Liaisons:
Elio M. Wade Program Coordinator, Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking Division Prince George’s County Department of Family Services #47 Phone 301-265-8402 (office) 6420 Allentown Road | Camp Springs, MD 20748
Aaron C. Prather Jr. Program Coordinator, Children In Need Of Supervision Department of Family Services #46 Phone: 301-265-8444 (office) 6420 Allentown Road | Camp Springs, MD 20748