Discover the latest updates and key developments in local government activities across the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia in our weekly comprehensive report. From legislative meetings to policy reviews, budget discussions, and educational initiatives, this update provides a concise overview of essential matters shaping the future of these regions.
Whether you're a concerned citizen, policymaker, or simply interested in staying informed about local governance, this report offers valuable insights into the decisions and actions that impact your community. Dive into the details of government agendas and stay up-to-date on the critical issues that shape the fabric of these diverse and dynamic localities.
CLPA will provide continual updates throughout the week on any new developments on our site, on Twitter: @LocalPolicyCTR, and on Facebook @localpolicycenter.
See a complete list of meetings below.
District of Columbia
DC Council
The DC Council will have a Committee of the Whole Public Hearing on Wednesday at 2:30. The hearing will focus on Bill 25-82, the Recidivism Reduction, Oversight, and Accountability for DYRS Act of 2024, which aims to reduce repeat offenses by young people in the District’s Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS) through better oversight and accountability.
DC State Board of Education
The DC State Board of Education will not have a public meeting this week.
Maryland General Assembly:
The Maryland House of Delegates and the Maryland Senate have adjourned for the year and will be back in session in January 2025.
Charles County
Board of Charles County Commissioners
The Board of Charles County Commissioners will convene tomorrow at 9:00 am. The meeting will cover important topics such as the fiscal year 2024 General Fund review, the American Rescue Plan Act updates, and the state legislative proposal package for 2025. There will also be a public session in the afternoon for comments on Maryland's transportation program, where residents can sign up to speak in person or virtually. Budget amendments, the Maryland Bikeways Grant, and other county updates will be discussed, followed by a public comment session in the evening.
Montgomery County
Montgomery County Council
At noon today, the Montgomery County Council will hold a public meeting. The meeting will start with a discussion with the Secretary of Housing and Community Development, followed by presentations recognizing the Coalition for Green Capital and WSSCWater Commissioner Howie Denis. The Council will then hold a public hearing about the sale of two public parking lots in Bethesda and discuss a local map amendment for a property in Silver Spring. The agenda also includes approving federal grants for energy projects and confirming several appointments, including the Director of Public Libraries and Assistant Chief of Police. The meeting will conclude with an interview with the county's chief of behavioral health and crisis services.
Montgomery County Board of Education
The Montgomery County Board of Education will have a Business Meeting today at 3:30 pm. The meeting will include public comments and several consent items, including a contract for the JoAnn Leleck Elementary School replacement project and a change order for the Woodlin Elementary School major capital project.
Key discussions will start at 4:55 p.m., focusing on the adoption of the legislative platform and a proposal for the Mentoring by Example College and Career Academies charter school. At 7:00 p.m., the board will review the preliminary plans for the Highland View Elementary School addition project. This presentation will discuss proposed designs and plans to expand the school’s facilities to better serve the community. Later, the board will discuss the Fiscal Year 2025 Program Evaluation Plan, strategies to improve math performance, and committee workplans before the meeting ends at 9:30 p.m.
Prince George's County
Prince George's County Council
Today, at 10:30 am, the Prince George's County Council will meet to discuss several important pieces of legislation. Key legislative items will include a first reading of several bills. One important bill, CB-080-2024, focuses on setting a special property tax rate for vacant properties. Another, CB-085-2024, will update rules for universal design in housing, adding exemptions and new requirements.
Several emergency bills will also be discussed, including those related to filling County Council and County Executive vacancies through special elections. These bills (CB-092-2024, CB-093-2024, CB-094-2024, and CB-095-2024) are designed to streamline the process and address urgent election needs. The meeting will also introduce new resolutions and updates related to county fees and salaries.
Prince George's County Board of Education
The Prince George's County Board of Education will hold its business meeting on Thursday, beginning with a closed session at 5:30 p.m. and officially opening to the public at 7:00 p.m.
During the meeting, the Board will hear reports from the Chair and Superintendent. The Superintendent's report will include updates on transportation, a literacy initiative, the T26 Strategic Plan, and a grading task force. There will also be a a public comment section where community members can share their thoughts on both agenda and non-agenda items.
Legislation-related matters will include committee reports, such as the Operations, Budget, and Fiscal Affairs Committee, as well as multiple new business items. Some of these legislative topics include the Wellness, Nutrition, and Physical Activity policy (BP 0116), the Safe and Supportive Schools policy (BP 2801), and discussions on policies related to student records, electronic devices, and student board member rights.
Virginia General Assembly:
The Virginia House of Delegates and the Virginia Senate have adjourned for the 2024 session. They will be back in session in January 2025.
Alexandria City
Alexandria City Council:
The Alexandria City Council will meet tonight starting with an Executive Session at 6:15 PM, followed by the regular Legislative Meeting at 7:00 PM. This session will focus on several key pieces of legislation. The Council will consider:
A grant application for FY 2025 to combat hate crimes through the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services.
A $150,000 funding request for the Alexandria Sheriff's Office to continue a hiring bonus program.
A franchise bid for public electric vehicle supply equipment.
Funding for the Marcus Alert program, which helps with behavioral health and crisis intervention.
A resolution declaring Alexandria a Safe Haven for the LGBTQ+ community.
Additionally, there will be proclamations recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month, the 60th anniversary of the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission, and the 50th anniversary of the Alexandria Commission for Women.
Alexandria City Board of Education
Yesterday, the Alexandria City Board of Education held a joint meeting with the City Council yesterday. Discussions focused on key topics such as the high school project, facility assessment and CIP (Capital Improvement Plan) planning, a budget update, and shared operations between the city and schools. The subcommittee also covered updates on safety and security measures, the collective bargaining process, and the impact of the Amazon/VA Tech development. Later in the meeting, the subcommittee reviewed the Speed Camera Safety Program's evaluation and provide an update on out-of-school time programs.
Arlington County
Arlington County Board
The Arlington County Board will not have a full Board meeting this week.
Arlington County School Board
The Arlington County School Board meets this today at 9 a.m. for a series of public work sessions at the Syphax Education Center in Arlington, VA. The first session will focus on Instructional Technology and will cover topics such as instructional goals, hardware considerations, and strategies to enhance student academic success and operational excellence.
At 10:45 a.m., the next work session will discuss Community and Work-Based Learning Partnerships. This will include reviewing strategic goals, current partnerships, challenges, and future plans to improve student, family, and community collaboration. The session will also consider changes to the APS School Board Advisory Committee Structure, with a proposed timeline for revisions and community engagement.
At 1 p.m., the Board will focus on the Career Center Programming. They will review the purpose, enrollment projections, and next steps for developing programs to support a student-centered workforce.
At 2:45 p.m., the final work session will discuss Planning Factors. The Board will look at the findings from the FY24 study, design proposals for FY26, and budget considerations.
A closed meeting will follow at 4:30 p.m. for discussions related to public safety.
Fairfax County
Fairfax County Board of Supervisors
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors will meet today at 9:30 a.m. The meeting will begin with presentations, board appointments to citizen groups, and matters presented by board members. A key focus will be a public hearing at 10:30 a.m. on the County and Schools' FY 2024 Carryover Review, which will consider amending the budget for FY 2025. Several important legislative items will follow, including the approval of traffic calming measures, and multiple authorizations to advertise public hearings on leasing county property, land acquisitions, and the creation or expansion of sanitary districts for refuse and recycling services.
In the afternoon, the board will move to action items, such as advertising hearings for modifying sanitary districts, revising personnel regulations, and approving economic opportunity funding for local arts projects. Later public hearings will discuss service changes to the Fairfax Connector bus system, proposed amendments to the Police Officers Retirement Systems Ordinance, and updates to the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinance, including measures for coastal resilience and tree preservation.
The day will conclude with public comments and closed sessions beginning at 4:00 p.m.
Fairfax County School Board
The Fairfax County School Board will conduct a public meeting on Thursday at 7:00 p. m. The agenda includes the approval of the $546,953 Boundary Review Consultant. The Superintendent will also give her annual performance review monitoring report. A policy review will concern Executive Limitation #8's decision to retain the existing policy. The presentations for the night will include updates on academic matters, strategic plans, and state accountability. New business items will also consist of the monitoring report on the instructional program and the 2025 State and Federal Legislative Program.