After the Memorial Day holiday, most legislative bodies in the DC area are on recess this week. However, there are a few important meetings worth noting.
The DC Council will have a Legislative Meeting this week, during which they will vote on three crucial bills: B25-0205, the Fiscal Year 2023 Revised Local Budget Emergency Act of 2023, B25-0293, the Rent Stabilized Housing Inflation Protection Emergency Amendment Act of 2023, and B25-0206, the Fiscal Year 2023 Revised Local Budget Temporary Act of 2023. CLPA will provide a vote on these bills and an analysis of the Rent Stabilized Housing Inflation Protection Temporary Amendment Act of 2023 later in the week.
In Maryland, the Charles County Board of County Commissioners and the Montgomery County Council are on recess, but the Prince George's County Council is in session. The Council will have third readings on CB-031-2023, an ordinance concerning "Convenience Stores—Gas Stations—Tobacco Shops—Tobacco Product Display and Sales Area," and CB-032-2023, also known as the Better Bag Bill. CLPA has previously provided an analysis on the Better Bag bill, which you can read here. CB-031-2023 aims to define the acceptable percentage of floor area that can be dedicated to the display and sales of tobacco and cannabis-related products.
There are no legislative meetings scheduled in Virginia this week. However, the Alexandria City Board of Education will hold a meeting to adopt its FY 2024 Combined Funds Budget and their FY 2024-2033 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget. The Board will also discuss its Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Alexandria Police Department.
CLPA will provide continual updates throughout the week on any new development here on our site, on Twitter: @LocalPolicyCTR and on Facebook @localpolicycenter. The following is a list of the most significant meetings taking place in the DC Area this week.

Click on the blue hyperlinks below for more information about each meeting.
District of Columbia

DC Council
DC Council Legislative Meeting-Tuesday, May 30 at12:00 pm
DC State Board of Education

Maryland General Assembly
Maryland House of Delegates is not in session: Adjourned
Maryland Senate is not in session: Adjourned
Charles County

Board of Charles County Commissioners
Charles County Board of Education
Montgomery County

Montgomery County Council
Montgomery County Board of Education
Prince George's County

Prince George's County Council
Prince George's County Council Budget Adoption meeting-Tuesday, May 30 at 10:00 am
Legislation/Policy of interest:
CB-031-2023-ORDINANCE concerning Convenience Stores—Gas Stations—Tobacco Shops—Tobacco Product Display and Sales Area (Third Reading)
CB-032-2023-Better Bag Bill (Third Reading)
Prince George's County Board of Education

Virginia General Assembly
Virginia House of Delegates is not in session: Adjourned
Virginia Senate is not in session: Adjourned
Alexandria City

Alexandria City Council
Alexandria City Board of Education
Alexandria City School Board Meeting- Thursday, June 1 at 6:30 pm
Arlington County

Arlington County Board
No Arlington County Board meeting this week
Arlington County School Board
No Arlington County School Board meeting this week
Fairfax County
