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CLPA List of Upcoming DC Area Policy Meetings (May 1-May 5)

Writer's picture: Center for Local Policy Analysis (CLPA)Center for Local Policy Analysis (CLPA)

It is budget time for a number of jurisdictions in the DC area this week. Montgomery County Council, the Charles County Board of Commissioners, and the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors will be working on FY24 budget issues. In fact, Fairfax County will be having a markup of its budget on Tuesday.

The Prince George's County Council will vote on a resolution to establish a Citizen Advisory Board-Task Force to Study Electric Public Utility Location Practices and Procedures.The task force being proposed will have the responsibility of examining the process involved in locating regulated public utilities. The goal is to ensure that there is adequate utility service provided to the citizens and residents of the County. The Council will also vote on the new nominees for the Redevelopment Authority Board of Prince George’s County.

The DC Council will have a legislative meeting on Tuesday where they will vote on serval important bills. CLPA is following two of the bills being voted on. B25-0164 - Comprehensive Policing and Justice Reform Temporary Amendment Act of 2023 which is temporary comprehensive policing and justice reform legislation. It would limit neck restraints, improve access to body-worn cameras, limit consent searches, and more.

CLPA is also following B25-0148- Motor Vehicle and Homeowner Insurance Prior Approval Rate Filing Temporary Amendment Act of 2023, this bill would amend the insurance rate change filing procedure for motor vehicle insurance and homeowner insurance and require that each final rate or premium charge be filed with the Commissioner of the Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking for a 90-day review for the Commissioner to determine that the new rate is not excessive or unfairly discriminatory before the new rate can become effective. B25-0148 would require an insurer to provide written notice to a policyholder if the new rate or premium charge is 10% or more higher than the policyholder’s existing rate.

Below is the list of the most important meetings occurring around the DC Area this week.


Click on the blue hyperlinks below for more information about each meeting.

District of Columbia

DC Council

  • Legislative meeting-Tuesday, May 2 at 12:00 pm

    • Legislation/policy of interest:

      • B25-0164 - Comprehensive Policing and Justice Reform Temporary Amendment Act of 2023

      • B25-0148 - Motor Vehicle and Homeowner Insurance Prior Approval Rate Filing Temporary Amendment Act of 2023

DC State Board of Education



Maryland General Assembly

Charles County

Board of Charles County Commissioners

Charles County Board of Education

Montgomery County

Montgomery County Council

  • Montgomery County Council meeting-Tuesday, April 18th at 9:00 am

    • Legislation/Policy of interest:

      • Interviews for two Montgomery County Planning Board (MCPB) vacancies; one vacant Commissioner position and one vacant position for Chair. 

    • Public Hearing

    • Introduction of bills:

      • Expedited Bill 23-23, Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Matching Grant Program (“SBIR/SRRT Grant Program”) - Amendments

Montgomery County Board of Education

Prince George's County

Prince George's County Council

Prince George's County Board of Education



Virginia General Assembly

Alexandria City

Alexandria City Council

Alexandria City Board of Education

Arlington County

Arlington County Board

Arlington County School Board

Fairfax County

Fairfax County Board of Supervisors

Fairfax County School Board



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