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CLPA List of Upcoming DC Area Policy Meetings (June 17- June 19)

Writer's picture: Center for Local Policy Analysis (CLPA)Center for Local Policy Analysis (CLPA)

Discover the latest updates and key developments in local government activities across the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, and beyond in our weekly comprehensive report. From legislative meetings to policy reviews, budget discussions, and educational initiatives, this update provides a concise overview of essential matters shaping the future of these regions.

Whether you're a concerned citizen, policymaker, or simply interested in staying informed about local governance, this report offers valuable insights into the decisions and actions that impact your community. Dive into the details of government agendas and stay up-to-date on the critical issues that shape the fabric of these diverse and dynamic localities.

See a complete list of meetings below.

District of Columbia

DC Council

The DC Council will not have a legislative meeting this week.

DC State Board of Education

The DC State Board of Education will not have a public meeting this week.



Maryland General Assembly:

The Maryland House of Delegates and the Maryland Senate have adjourned for the year and will be back in session in January 2025.


Charles County

Board of Charles County Commissioners

The Board of Charles County Commissioners will not have a public meeting this week


Montgomery County

Montgomery County Council

The Montgomery County Council will have a public meeting today a 11:30 am. In the afternoon session, the Council will hold public hearings for Bill 8-24, which seeks to amend the Human Rights and Civil Liberties regulations concerning fair criminal history and credit screenings, and Bill 10-24, which proposes amendments to the Local Small Business Reserve Program to include preference points for veteran-owned businesses. Both bills are scheduled for further committee work in mid-July.

The Council will also introduce Bill 12-24, which would provide compensation to members of the Police Accountability Board and Administrative Charging Committee. A public hearing is set for early July. Additionally, the Council will discuss a resolution to appoint a Montgomery County Sports Tourism Task Force and wtook action on several resolutions, including confirming appointments to various county boards and advisory committees.

Montgomery County Board of Education

The Montgomery County Board of Education will not have a public meeting this week.


Prince George's County

Prince George's County Council

The Prince George's County Council will meet today at 10 am. Key items on the agenda include the introduction and first readings of bills concerning amendments to the County's bonding requirements for construction projects (CB-026-2024) and adjustments to the County's classification plan (CB-057-2024). Additionally, resolutions to adjust the Public Safety and Behavioral Health Surcharge and the School Facilities Surcharge for Fiscal Year 2025 (CR-057-2024 and CR-058-2024, respectively) will be introduced.

The Council will also hold second readings for several bills, including CB-015-2024, which aims to reconcile terms and procedures in the new Zoning Ordinance, and multiple borrowing authorization bills to finance various capital projects for County buildings, library facilities, community college facilities, public works, and public safety facilities (CB-039-2024 through CB-043-2024). The session will conclude with a briefing on Council Member workgroup updates and discussions on potential litigation and legal advice concerning the Special Election process.

Prince George's County Board of Education



Virginia General Assembly:

The Virginia House of Delegates and the Virginia Senate have adjourned for the 2024 session. They will be back in session in January 2025.


Alexandria City

Alexandria City Council:

The Alexandria City Council will not have a public meeting this week.

Alexandria City Board of Education

The Alexandria City Board of Education will host a public meeting this Thursday at 6:30 pm. Major contract awards are on the agenda, including those for the HVAC renovation at George Washington Middle School, the swing space project at 1703 N Beauregard, and architectural and engineering services for the modernization of George Mason Elementary School. Additionally, the Board will vote on the entitlement grants for Title I, Title II, and Title III - Part A, and the appointment of 2024-2025 student representatives to the School Board. Key discussions will include an update on the Weapons Abatement Pilot Program, Division Priorities for the 2024-2025 school year, and an ESSER III update. The meeting will also cover new business items such as the 2024-2027 School Board Meeting Calendars and the draft FY 2026 Budget Calendar.


Arlington County

Arlington County Board

The Arlington County Board will hold a meeting today at 3 pm . There will be updates on the Deer Management Project and Election Preparations will be provided. The main legislative focus will be during the evening session, starting with the approval of various use permit requests.Key consent items include the approval of a use permit for live entertainment and dancing at Mister Days, subject to conditions and a review in May 2025. Additionally, the Board will consider a use permit for Tyndale Christian School, allowing up to 80 students with a review in June 2025. Layli Restaurant's use permits for an outdoor café with more seats than indoor seating, a kiosk for walk-up service, and live entertainment will also be discussed, each subject to conditions and an 11-month review.

Arlington County School Board

The Arlington County School Board will hold a public meeting this Thursday at 7 p.m. The meeting will begin with consent items, including personnel actions, a letter of agreement with Friends of Arlington's David M. Brown Planetarium, policies on unpaid meal charges, a master agreement for collective bargaining for licensed and support staff, and a waiver of School Board Policy B-30 for internal audit.

The action items will include the final approval of the FY 2025-34 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), a deed of easement at Langston Brown High School with McDonald's, the adoption of new social studies and Spanish resources for 2024, and the Superintendent's proposed 2024-30 Strategic Plan Implementation and Monitoring Elements. Additionally, the Board will review information items such as the Drew Elementary School kitchen construction contract and revisions to the 2024-25 school year calendar. This meeting aims to finalize essential plans and agreements to support the educational infrastructure and resource allocation in Arlington schools.


Fairfax County

Fairfax County Board of Supervisors

The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors will not have a full public meeting of the Board this week.

Fairfax County School Board

Fairfax County School Board will not hold a public meeting this week.


CLPA will provide continual updates throughout the week on any new developments on our site, on Twitter: @LocalPolicyCTR, and on Facebook @localpolicycenter.



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