Happy New year! Legislative bodies are beginning to come back into session after the break. The DC Council, however, is not one of them. They had a legislative meeting at the beginning of the year, where they voted on a handful of bills, but they will not have another legislative meeting for a few weeks.
In Maryland, Charles County Council and Prince George's County Council are back in full swing. Charles County, during their legislative session, will hear a request to introduce Amendments to Bill 2022-14, Weapons and Firearms Prohibited on County Owned or Operated Property. The bill prohibits possession of weapons and firearms on the premises of any Charles County Government owned or operated building, grounds, or park. The proposed amendments include increasing the distance from buildings where weapons are allowed. The proposed amendment increases the exception to the law from 100 feet to 100 yards of a county-owned building. The new version also makes an exemption for law enforcement agencies to carry firearms.
Prince George's County will have the first reading of CB-019-2023-Resilience Hubs. Resilience Hubs are defined as community-serving facilities that support residents, coordinate communication, distribute resources, and reduce carbon pollution while enhancing their quality of life. The goal of the bill is to prioritize and establish at least ten resilience hubs in climate-impacted vulnerable communities in Prince George's County by 2030. CLPA will provide a deeper dive into this bill in the future.
Virginia is fairly quiet on the legislative front; however, the Alexandria City Council will have its first legislative meeting for the year. During the meeting, there will be several contested appointments, including those for the Alexandria Housing Affordability Advisory Committee, Community Criminal Justice Board, Planning Commission, and the Redevelopment and Housing Authority.
The Board of Education in every county and city that CLPA follows is having a meeting this week except for Arlington. It should be noted that this week on the agenda for the Prince George's County Board of Education is the election of their Board Chair.
Be on the look out for updates on the state legislatures for Maryland and Virginia in the coming weeks. CLPA will provide updates on the state legislative process and bills of interest that will have a direct impact on residents as they are introduced.
Here is our list of the most important meetings occurring around the DC Area this week.

Click on the blue hyperlinks below for more information about each meeting.
District of Columbia

DC Council
DC State Board of Education
DC SBOE Working Session-Wednesday, January 11 at 4:00 pm

Charles County

Board of Charles County Commissioners
Charles County Board of County Commissioners Regular Session (Legislative Day)-Tuesday, January 10 at 9:00 am
Policy of interest
Request to Introduce Amendments to Bill 2022-14 Weapons and Firearms Prohibited on CountyOwned or Operated Property
Charles County Board of County Commissioners Public Hearing-Wednesday, January 11
Charles County Board of Education
Charles County Board of Education meeting-Tuesday, January 10 at 1:00 pm
Montgomery County

Montgomery County Council
Montgomery County Board of Education
Montgomery County Board of Education Business Meeting-January 12 at 12:00 pm
Prince George's County

Prince George's County Council
Prince George's County Council Meeting-Tuesday, January 10 at 10:00 am
Policy of interest
CB-019-2023-Resilience Hubs
Prince George's County Board of Education
Special Executive Session (CONFIDENTIAL)- Tuesday, January 10 at 6:00 pm
Prince George's County Board of Education Meeting-Thursday, January 12 at 7:00 pm

Alexandria City

Alexandria City Council
City Council First Legislative Meeting-Tuesday, January 10 at 7:00 pm
Alexandria City Board of Education
Alexandria City School Board Work Session-Friday, January 12 at 6:30 pm
Arlington County

Arlington County Board
No Arlington County Board meeting this week
Arlington County School Board
No Arlington County School Board meeting this week
Fairfax County

Fairfax County Board of Supervisors
No Fairfax County Board of Supervisors meeting this week
Fairfax County School Board
Fairfax County School Board Work Session-Tuesday, January 10 at 12:30 pm
Fairfax County School Board Regular Meeting-Friday, January 12 at 6:00 pm