Discover the latest updates and key developments in local government activities across the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, and beyond in our weekly comprehensive report. From legislative meetings to policy reviews, budget discussions, and educational initiatives, this update provides a concise overview of essential matters shaping the future of these regions.
Whether you're a concerned citizen, policymaker, or simply interested in staying informed about local governance, this report offers valuable insights into the decisions and actions that impact your community. Dive into the details of government agendas and stay up-to-date on the critical issues that shape the fabric of these diverse and dynamic localities.
See a complete list of meetings below.
District of Columbia
DC Council
The DC Council will not have a Legislative meeting this week. This week, the Council will host several performance oversight hearings on various aspects of the DC Government.
DC State Board of Education
The DC State Board of Education will not have a public meeting this week.
Maryland General Assembly:
The Maryland House of Delegates and the Maryland Senate are in session.
Follow this link to follow the bills from the Prince George's County House Delegation for the 2024 legislative session and this link to follow bills from the Montgomery County House Delegation.
Charles County
Board of Charles County Commissioners
The Board of Charles County Commissioners will hold a session, today including several key agenda items. Firstly, the Department of Fiscal and Administrative Services, will present various FY2024 budget transfer requests, including funding for construction, capital projects, and administrative support. Additionally, there will be discussions on lease agreements, transportation planning, legislative updates from the Maryland General Assembly session, and briefings on topics such as the state of the College of Southern Maryland and internal audit reports. Furthermore, the meeting will cover discussions on historic landmarks designation, a work session on the Swan Point Petition Project, and a closed session. In the afternoon, there will be briefings on artificial intelligence, collaborative community improvement projects, and updates from various county boards and commissions.
Charles County Board of Education
The Charles County Board of Education held a meeting yesterday primarily focused on various reports and action items related to educational programs and policies. Officers, boards, and committees provided updates on summer programs, pre-K curriculum for 3-year-olds, master scheduling in secondary schools, and updates to Policy 1820 concerning educational equity. Additionally, discussions and actions were taken on the Board Handbook and eligibility policy. The meeting concluded with two action items: the approval of Policy 1820 regarding educational equity and the adoption of a resolution for World Syndrome Day. Furthermore, a public forum was held where individuals could express their views, both in person and virtually.
Montgomery County
Montgomery County Council
The Montgomery County Council will held its regular meeting today at 1:15pm. The afternoon session includes two public hearings on important bills. Firstly, there will be a public hearing on Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) 24-01, concerning Household Living - Civic and Institutional Uses. Following that, there will be a public hearing on Police Statistical Data as required by Bill 45-20. Additionally, there will be several action items, including the approval of Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) 23-10 related to Parking, Queuing, and Loading calculations, as well as actions on various budgetary appropriations. Furthermore, the consent calendar includes a resolution acknowledging the February 12, 2024, election returns from Friendship Heights Village Council and several introductions related to budget amendments, annexations, and resolutions. The evening session will feature a public hearing on Bill 2-24, also known as the Freedom to Leave Act, concerning police traffic stops and consent searches of motor vehicles, with a subsequent worksession by the PS Committee scheduled at a later date.
Montgomery County Board of Education
The Montgomery County Board of Education will not hold a business meeting this week. However, there will be a Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Capital Budget and the FY2025-2030 CIP Spring Amendments Work Session today at 10:00 am. Today's meeting will primarily focus on the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Capital Budget and the FY 2025-2030 Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Spring Amendments. The agenda includes discussions on the Spring Amendment Timeline, the Montgomery County Executive's Recommended FY 2025-2030 CIP, non-recommended reductions, and an overview of capital projects. Additionally, there will be an overview of revised or new boundary studies.
Prince George's County
Prince George's County Council
The Prince George's County Council will meet today at 11:00 am. Today's meeting will address a range of legislative matters, including several council bills and resolutions. Notable bills on the agenda include CB-007-2024 concerning the revision of the elderly property tax credit, CB-008-2024, an emergency act aiming to extend the sunset date of the Temporary Rent Stabilization Act of 2023, and CB-009-2024, which establishes a 9-1-1 Voluntary Emergency Registry Program. Additionally, CB-010-2024 focuses on mental health and firearm safety literature requirements, and CR-009-2024 proposes the establishment of a School Pedestrian Safety Workgroup.
Alongside these bills, several resolutions will be discussed, such as CR-013-2024 regarding a one-cent increase in the additional charge for 911 services within the county. Moreover, the meeting will feature briefings including one on the Rent Stabilization Task Force Report and Recommendations presented by Bithia Ratnasamy Palmer, Director of Equitable Housing Solutions.
Prince George's County Board of Education
The Prince George's County Board of Education will not have a full Board meeting this week.
Virginia General Assembly:
The Virginia House of Delegates and the Virginia Senate are in session.
Alexandria City
Alexandria City Council:
The Alexandria City Council will hold a legislative meeting today, which will.
cover various legislative items and updates. Firstly, there will be the presentation of a proclamation declaring March as Irish-American Heritage Month and honoring St. Patrick’s Day. Legislative matters include a written report on the Potomac Yard Entertainment District Update, consideration of a grant application to the National Park Service for the Semiquincentennial Grant Program, and grant applications to various organizations such as the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and the Department of Criminal Justice Services .
Additionally, resolutions up for consideration include authorization to enter into a support agreement for economic development activities , a grant application to the United States Department of Transportation for infrastructure projects , and requests for changes in state roadway maintenance payments . Furthermore, resolutions will be introduced supporting grant applications for transportation programs at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. Finally, the meeting will address the City Council calendar in terms of scheduling .
Alexandria City Board of Education
The Alexandria County Board will not hold a public meeting of the full Board this week. However, there will be a joint City Council/School Board Worksession tomorrow at 7:00 pm. The agenda has not been made public as of today.
Arlington County
Arlington County Board
The Arlington County Board will hold a public meeting of the full Board
today at 3 pm. There will be reports from the County Board, appointments, regional reports, and reports from the County Manager. There will be several legislative items at this meeting.
One notable item is FBC-35, N-FBC-21, which involves an ordinance to amend and update green building standards for development projects utilizing the Columbia Pike Form-Based Codes. Another significant aspect is the consideration of various requests to advertise public hearings regarding fiscal matters. These include requests to advertise public hearings for real estate tax rates, personal property tax rates, business improvement district tax rates, development-related fees, utility rates, solid waste-related administrative fee increases, transit fares, parks and recreation fees, fire department fees, emergency medical services fees, and police department fees.
Arlington County School Board
The Arlington County School Board will not hold a public meeting of the full Board this week.
Fairfax County
Fairfax County Board of Supervisors
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors will not hold a public meeting of the full Board this week. However, the Board of Supervisors Budget Policy Committee is scheduled to meet jointly with the School Board at 3:00 today to discuss the FY 2025 County and Schools Advertised Budgets.
Fairfax County School Board
As stated above, the Fairfax County School Board will not hold a public meeting but will meet jointly with the Board of Supervisors Budget Policy Committee to discuss the FY 2025 County and Schools Advertised Budgets.
CLPA will provide continual updates throughout the week on any new development here on our site, on Twitter: @LocalPolicyCTR, and on Facebook @localpolicycenter.