Here is a recap of a few of the bills CLPAhighlighted last week. We will provide updates on the progress of these bills as they progress through the legislative process.
Prince George’s County Council Recently the Prince George’s County Council introduced CB-041-2021, which would change the property boundaries for a medical cannabis dispensary in Prince George’s County. If enacted the bill would: •Eliminate the one-mile medical dispensary criteria around the Metro Line stations and reduce it to one-half mile. •Retain that dispensaries are at least 500 feet (or 166.67 yards) from any residential area. •Maintain that dispensaries are 500 feet from any recreation center, playground, trial owned by the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission. •Maintain that dispensaries are at least 500 feet from any school land uses. •Retain the one-mile criteria between one dispensary and any other medical cannabis dispensary in the area. CB-041-2021 also makes it clear that outdoor signage shall be limited to building-mounted signs and advertisement for cannabis or cannabis products is prohibited. The date of the next public hearing is September 8th at 10:00 am. Montogomery County Council Bill 30-21, "Expedited Bill 30-21, Landlord-Tennant Relations – Restrictions During Emergencies – Extended Limitations Against Rent Increases and Late Fees" has been introduced in the Montogomery County Council by Councilmember Will Jawando to limit rent increases and prohibit landlords in the county from charging late rent payment fees that accrued one year after the expiration of the COVID-19 emergency declared by Governor Hogan. A public hearing for this bill is tentatively scheduled for September 14th at 1:30 p.m. District of Columbia Council The Child Wealth Building Act (Bill 24-236) w voted out of committee week during last week's Business &Economic Development Meeting in the DC Council. If passed, it would create a trust fund for babies born in DC starting in the 2022 tax year. The bill would apply to households whose income is not over 500% of the federal poverty level. Meaning $132,000 for a four-person household. There would be automatic enrollment and $1,000 would be deposited initially. Depending on residents’ household income, deposits would increase up to $4,000. When children turn 18 they would have the ability to withdraw from the trust fund for “specified purposes.” “Specified purposes” for withdrawal from the trust fund would include: 1.) education; academic or vocational 2.) business ownership 3.) investment in a business 4.)residential or commercial property ownership 5.)retirement investments including, stocks, bonds, shares, and other similar growth investments.
The Child Wealth Building Act was introduced by CouncilmembersKenyan McDuffie and Councilmember Charles Allen.